Hiya, Yvette Sojourner here❣️ This is what I’ve been reflecting on this week. As Haruki Murakam once said, “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” I believe this is applicable to everything we read.
Oldie but goodie. I’m a Personal Trainer, But You’ll Never Hear Me Say ‘New Year, New You’, Self
Hellooooooo and yassssssss. Quiet Luxury Is a Duuupe—Here’s Why, Vogue
Something to think about. Your Clothes Were Never Meant to Fit You, The New York Times
This is too good not to share!!! I Met Alice Walker and Her Advice Changed My Life, Sisters From AARP
Yes, please and thank you 🙌🏾 How to Find a Dermatologist Who Actually Knows How to Treat People of Color, Self
What I Do: I don’t have access or a subscription to various newspapers or magazines i.e. the New York Times. So, I checked with my local library. I’ve learned I have access to the New York Times free with my library card. Always check with your local library to see what offerings are available to you.