This week I read soooooo much. As Haruki Murakam once said, “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” I believe this is applicable to everything we read.
Have you considered this invaluable resource to save money? Don’t Pay a Dime for These 15 Pricey Items. Find Them Here for Free, Sisters from AARP
Sending YOU all the LOVE Serena ❤️ Serena Williams Says Farewell to Tennis On Her Own Terms—And In Her Own Words, Vogue
There’s nothing else I need to say. Listen To Your Body: The Importance of Health Awareness in The Black Community, Essence
What she said! Don’t Let Your Doctor Dismiss You as a Number on the Scale, Sisters from AARP
I love EVERYTHING so had to add this one. Phoebe Robinson on the BIPOC-Owned Fashion Brands She Loves to Support, Byrdie
This was a MUST watch. Serena Williams Reflects on Her Life in Looks: From Nike Catsuits to Camp Gucci, Vogue
Exactly! Black founders only receive 1.4% VC funds—here’s how to change that, Fast Company
I so enjoyed this! Five Minutes That Will Make You Love Duke Ellington, The New York Times
And if you don’t have time to read the article or prefer to hear the full version of each song listed here’s the full playlist.
What I Do: I don’t have access or a subscription to various newspapers or magazines i.e. the New York Times. So, I checked with my local library. I’ve learned I have access to the New York Times free with my library card. Always check with your local library to see what offerings are available to you.