Here’s what I’ve been reflecting on this week. As Haruki Murakam once said, “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” I believe this is applicable to everything we read.
Yes, please and thank you! Best Books Written by Black Women, ProWritingAid
Mines did after multiple prolapses. Does Your Vagina Need Physical Therapy?, Thinx
Try half-assing it. Here’s How I Took Back My Life, Sisters From AARP
Alright. Everything You Need to Know to Vacation Alone, Thrillist
I’m listening. “My Self-Care Is My Joy”—5 Black Women Share the Rituals That Help Them Show Up As Their Fullest Selves. Camille Styles
Number 5 is everything to me. The Lifestyle That Could Finally Help You Achieve Financial Freedom, The Everygirl
In case you need it. 60 Monthly Journaling Prompts to Help You Make the Most of 2023, Silk Sonder
SZA’s Ruination Brought Her Everything, The New York Times Magazine
“A Plethora of Answers.” Black Music as Nourishment and Inspiration, LitHub
What I Do: I don’t have access or a subscription to various newspapers or magazines i.e. the New York Times. So, I checked with my local library. I’ve learned I have access to the New York Times free with my library card. Always check with your local library to see what offerings are available to you.