
Yesssss! Soooo, TRUE!!! Why Do So Many Black People Approach Hairstyling From a Place of Fear?

HELLO! A Message to the Millennials About to Turn 40, Bazaar

This was interesting. 6 Negative Truths That Are Actually Beneficial, Wit & Delight

Yes, please and thank you. Text Your Friends. It Matters More Than You Think., New York Times

I have PMDD and only discovered after meeting Hubbs. This is so REAL!!! How PMDD Made Me Closer with My Partner, Think

On the same note. Is Your PMS Really PMDD?, Thinx


Tour de France. I love Hubbs. Enough said.


How Patreon is rewriting the equation between creators and their fans, Fast Company


I use Scrivener. iA Writer is a minimalist writing tool Marie Kondo would adore, Fast Company

I’ve used Apple Notes since I began writing. Yeah, the entire book is there. The secretly powerful little app that you could write an entire book in, Fast Company

I use ProWriteAid. Please note it’s not free but worth comparing to Grammarly. These 3 essential tools will help you write better—for free



What I Do: I don’t have access or a subscription to various newspapers or magazines i.e. the New York Times. So, I checked with my local library. I’ve learned I have access to the New York Times free with my library card. Always check with your local library to see what offerings are available to you.


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