Here’s what I’ve been reflecting on this week. As Haruki Murakam once said, “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” I believe this is applicable to everything we read.
A MUST READ! 40 Money Habits Every Black Woman Over 40 Needs, Sisters From AARP
I’m adding this article seeing after reading the one above I ended up reading this one as well. Thank you Sisters From AARP! I’m creating my WILL ASAP, Make These 10-Minute Moves if You Haven’t Written a Will, Sisters From AARP
YASSSSSS 👏🏾 For the Last Time: Body Types Are Not Trends, Self
Interesting approach. An Actually Fun Way to Do New Year’s Resolutions, Cup Of Jo
Indeed it is. The “Social Battery” Is Real — Here’s How to Know If It’s Low and How to Recharge, PopSugar
My Spiritual Mother Dr. JB says, “People are in our lives for a reason, season or lifetime.” I agree. Losing touch happens because life happens. Lost Touch With a Friend? Reaching Out Might Help You Both Feel Healthier, Sisters From AARP
Knowing I have PMDD has changed my life and my relationship with myself and Hubbs. How PMDD Made Me Closer with My Partner, Thinx
FYI, How to Create a Healthy Relationship With Social Media, Shondaland
Interesting read. The psychological traps of online shopping, explained, Vox
Came across this and have been listening to Roberta Flack ever since. “The Song Found Me.” An Oral History of Roberta Flack’s “Killing Me Softly”, LitHub
My boyfriend, a writer, broke up with me because I’m a writer, The Guardian
What I Do: I don’t have access or a subscription to various newspapers or magazines i.e. the New York Times. So, I checked with my local library. I’ve learned I have access to the New York Times free with my library card. Always check with your local library to see what offerings are available to you.