Isn’t it ironic

Recently I signed up for several SELF newsletters. I am always on the lookout for new articles to share with all of you. SELF checked many boxes when it came to what I enjoy reading and sharing. When I came across the above article I had to read and post it! But when I noticed the advertisement below I was shocked! The article mentions the Kardashians at great lengths and how they, “played a major role in normalizing and popularizing Blackfishing: the cultural appropriation when people alter their appearance with makeup, cosmetic surgery, filters, and digital editing to appear Black.” And how, “With this change in culture, the Black woman goes back to being objectified, hypersexualized, and having to deal with a disdain for their bodies that they have faced for centuries.” This article is EXCELLENT! I mean a must read. The issue I have is the SKIMS advertisement immediately below the article. WHY?! SERIOUSLY?! For me it counters the entire premise of the article and begs to question SELF’s  motives.


“The Kardashians are the most notable example of the aforementioned phenomenon, having been known for their curvy frames and aesthetics pulled straight from Black culture, only to exchange them for smaller and whiter models when it’s convenient or lucrative.”

Yvette Sojourner


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